*** TIME QUEST - THE FULL SOLUTION *** >Look at Drexler >Examine briefing papers >Ask about key >w >open drawer >take card [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >in [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >put card in slot >ts rome 1361 *** CODES - YOU'LL ENCOUNTER THEM EVERY TIME YOU'LL WTITE "TS" AFTER YOU LEAVE THE GAME *** AFFECTED SYSTEM > *** INPUT MAY BE FOUND IN DOCUMENTS *** MALFUNCTION CLASSIFICATION > *** INPUT MAY BE FOUND IN DOCUMENTS *** REPAIR PROCEDURE NUMBER > *** INPUT MAY BE FOUND IN DOCUMENTS *** >out >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about bench >Ask about cloak >Ask about god >Ask about himself >Ask about issues >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about me >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >ts rome 44 >out >up >se >read sign >se >wait >take focaccia [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >nw >ne >take jar [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >take peg [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >se >push wheel >put wheel on axle >put peg in hole >put oil on axle >climb in chariot >wait >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y [Your score has just gone up by 20.] Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >ask for wreath >ask for wreath [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait >take sword [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >kill lion [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >look at wristlet >nw >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about bench >Ask about caesar >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about himself >Ask about issues >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about me >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >ts peking 1361 >out >out >e >e [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >pass basin >sit >meditate [Your score has just gone up by 20.] >look at stone >Look at the first tablet >Look at the second tablet >Look at the third tablet >Look at the fourth tablet >Look at the statue's mouth >stand >take basin >pour water in statue's mouth [Your score has just gone up by 20.] >take emerald [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >w >s >in >ts dover 1361 >out >se >w >sit >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y [Your score has just gone up by 5.] Do you want to continue waiting? >n >Ask about knowledge >Ask about eclipse >Ask about me >Ask about stone >Ask about stonehenge >Ask about sun >stand >e >s >s >take shell [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >n >n >nw >in >ts dover 44 >out >se >s >take chalk [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >n >nw >in >ts dover 452 >out >read sword [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >in >ts dover 800 >out >se >read wall [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >nw >in >ts dover 1215 >out >se >ride horse >w >wait >look at arrow >take scroll >read scroll >ne >wait >sw >Search courier >open pouch >read letter >give letter to robin [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait >nw >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y [Your score has just gone up by 30.] Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >se >e >dismount >nw >in >ts mexico 1361 >out >tell man about sun >tell man about sun >wait >out >take all [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >in >ts mexico 452 >out >e >ne >nw >e >ne >se >w >se >s >s >s >read wall [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >n >n >n >nw >e >nw >sw >w >se >sw >w >in >ts mexico 800 >out >e >ne >nw >e >ne >se >w >se >s >s >s >Take costume [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >n >n >n >nw >e >nw >sw >w >se >sw >w >in >ts mexico 1215 >out >e >ne >nw >e >ne >up >wear costume >s >Release victim [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >read altar [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >n >take off costume >take costume >down >sw >w >se >sw >w >in >ts dover 1940 >out >se >n >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >take cigar [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >take lighter [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >nw >in >ts peking 1940 >out >n >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >take cocktail [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >in >ts cairo 44 >out >n >wait >yes >e [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e >s >in >ts cairo 452 >out >n >w >read carving [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >e >s >in >ts cairo 800 >out >n >give chalk to man >read message [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >s >in >ts cairo 1519 >out >read message [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >in >ts cairo 1588 >out >n >w >read graffiti [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >e >s >in >ts baghdad 44 >out >read message [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >in >ts baghdad 452 >out >w >s >read jug [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >n >e >in >ts baghdad 1215 >out >w >n >n >sell powder >yes [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >s >s >e >in >ts baghdad 1519 >out >w >n >n >ne >w >Ask mother about mule >e >take tether >Whisper in mule's ear [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >sw >Buy dates [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >ne >w >e >Drop tether >w >take dates >girl, get in basket >put dates in urn >e >Take tether >Whisper in mule's ear >w >Drop tether You release the tether. >wait 6 hours Do you want to continue waiting? >y [Your score has just gone up by 10.] Do you want to continue waiting? >n >e >sw >s >s >e >in >ts baghdad 1588 >out >w >n >read sign >n >look at badge [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >ne >read graffiti [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >sw >s >s >e >in >ts baghdad 1798 >out >w >n >n >l at carpet [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >s >s >e >in >ts peking 44 >out >n >e >n >blow shell [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >w >s >in >ts peking 452 >out >n >n >give emerald to priest [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >s >in >ts peking 800 >out >n >n >e >e [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >Ask priests for mask [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >w >w >s >s >in >ts peking 1215 >out >n >n >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >n >w >say tower gate Parade Ground >n >w >Give yuan to madame >girls, follow me >e >s >yes >open gate [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >s >in >ts peking 1519 >out >n >n >wait >take cookie >open cookie >read fortune [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >s >s >in >ts peking 1588 >out >n >n >e >listen [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >w >s >s >in >ts peking 1798 >out >n >n >n >give seal to man [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >open box >open box >open box >open box >open box >look at bar [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >s >s >s >in >ts baghdad 800 >out >w >n >n >Give focaccia to beggar [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >Look at Yahya's clothes >nod head >take fig [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait >w >take veil >wear veil >e >s >sit >give fig to vizier >n >w >take off veil >get under bed >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >Take slipper >wait >stand >Give slipper to sultan [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >s >s >e >in >ts rome 452 >out >out >nw >wait >yes >ne >w >wait >light mask [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >read parchment >e >sw >se >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about attila >Ask about augustine >Ask about bench >Ask about caesar >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about himself >Ask about honoria >Ask about issues >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about me >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about pope leo >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >Take stopper [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >Take handkerchief >ts rome 800 >out >out >nw >w >n >Put ether on handkerchief >Put damp hanky on priest >take crown [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >e >se >in >in >ts cairo 1361 >out >n >w >n >e >give baby to girl [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait >give crown to boy [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e >s >in >ts cairo 1215 >out >n >w >s >s >push panel >w [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >look at map *** YOU SHOULD PRESS THE TILES IN THE ORDER LISTED IN THE MAP *** >press hawk >press cat >press scorpion >press crocodile >press snake >w [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w >take ankh [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e >e >e >n >n >e >s >in >ts rome 1798 >out >out >take rock [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >se >throw rock on window [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >give map to napoleon [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >yes >give ankh to napoleon [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >nw >in >in >ts dover 1798 >out >se >n >give pass to nelson >take hook [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >nw >in >ts cairo 1798 >out >n >w >show pass to soldiers >w >s >s >w *** AGAIN, PRESS THE TILES IN THE ORDER THEY WERE IN THE MAP *** >press hawk >press cat >press scorpion >press crocodile >press snake >w >untie turban >tie turban to hook >throw hook on strut >w [Your score has just gone up by 20.] >e >e >e >n >n [Your score has just gone up by 25.] >e >s >in >ts rome 1940 >out >out >se >n >take crown >n >wait >clean >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >clean >wait >clean >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >turn off radio >wait 60 [Your score has just gone up by 30.] Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >s >s >read wall [Your score has just gone up by 2.] >nw >in >in >ts rome 800 >out >out >nw >w >n >put crown on altar >s >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y [Your score has just gone up by 30.] Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >e >se >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about attila >Ask about augustine >Ask about boethius >Ask about caesar >Ask about charlemagne >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about harun al-rashid >Ask about himself >Ask about honoria >Ask about issues >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about me >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >ts rome 1215 >out >out >nw >listen [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >se >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about attila >Ask about augustine >Ask about averroes >Ask about avicenna >Ask about bench >Ask about boethius >Ask about caesar >Ask about charlemagne >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about harun al-rashid >Ask about himself >Ask about honoria >Ask about issues >Ask about king john >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about me >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about pope leo >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >ts rome 1519 >out >out >nw >w >wait >take book [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >read book >give book to pope [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >e >buy plaque >Give indulgence to vendor [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >se >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about attila >Ask about augustine >Ask about averroes >Ask about avicenna >Ask about bench >Ask about boethius >Ask about caesar >Ask about charlemagne >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about harun al-rashid >Ask about himself >Ask about honoria >Ask about issues >Ask about king john >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about machiavelli >Ask about me >Ask about michaelangelo >Ask about montezuma >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about pope leo >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >ts dover 1519 >out >se >n >n >open door >take board [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >put plaque in cache >put board in cache >w >s >s >nw >in >ts dover 1588 >out >se >n >n >knock >open door >bow >take board >take plaque >give plaque to queen [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >w >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y [Your score has just gone up by 30.] Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >s >Ask sailor about helmet >Give parchment to sailor [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s >nw >in >ts mexico 44 >wear costume >out >Put helmet on cushion [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >in >ts mexico 1519 >out >look at mural >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y [Your score has just gone up by 30.] Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >in >ts rome 1588 >take off costume >take costume >out >out >nw >take leaflet >read leaflet [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >se >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about attila >Ask about augustine >Ask about averroes >Ask about avicenna >Ask about bench >Ask about boethius >Ask about bruno >Ask about caesar >Ask about charlemagne >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about harun al-rashid >Ask about himself >Ask about honoria >Ask about issues >Ask about king john >Ask about king john >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about machiavelli >Ask about me >Ask about michaelangelo >Ask about montezuma >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >ts rome 1798 >out >out >s >sit >Ask about Academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about attila >Ask about augustine >Ask about averroes >Ask about avicenna >Ask about bench >Ask about boethius >Ask about bruno >Ask about caesar >Ask about charlemagne >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about descartes >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about harun al-rashid >Ask about himself >Ask about honoria >Ask about issues >Ask about king john >Ask about kant >Ask about key >Ask about log >Ask about machiavelli >Ask about me >Ask about michaelangelo >Ask about montezuma >Ask about napoleon >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about religion >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >ts rome 1940 >out >out >s >sit >Ask about academy >Ask about aristotle >Ask about attila >Ask about augustine >Ask about averroes >Ask about avicenna >Ask about bench >Ask about boethius >Ask about bruno >Ask about caesar >Ask about camus >Ask about charlemagne >Ask about churchill >Ask about cleopatra >Ask about cloak >Ask about descartes >Ask about epicurus >Ask about god >Ask about harun al-rashid >Ask about himself >Ask about hitler >Ask about honoria >Ask about issues >Ask about king john >Ask about kant >Ask about key [Your score has just gone up by 20.] >Ask about log >Ask about machiavelli >Ask about me >Ask about michaelangelo >Ask about montezuma >Ask about mussolini >Ask about napoleon >Ask about plato >Ask about pope innocent >Ask about religion >Ask about sartre >Ask about socrates >Ask about time >Ask about time travel >stand >n >in >in >ts baghdad 1361 >out >w >s >w >up >jump >up >read vines [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >down >e >e >say east [Your score has just gone up by 20.] >e [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >Get in right platform >look >look at notes >wait 53 Do you want to continue waiting? >n >get in left platform >put key in keyhole [Your score has just gone up by 50.] >get in right platform [Your score has just gone up by 25.] >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >25 *** I DON'T KNOW IF THIS NUMBER CHANGES FROM GAMES TO GAME, JUST TYPE IN THE NUMBER YOU ARE TOLD TO BY YOURSELF *** [Your score has just gone up by 15.] >wait >Kick Vettenmyer >Step on remote control >Say 25 *** I DON'T KNOW IF THIS NUMBER CHANGES FROM GAMES TO GAME, JUST TYPE IN THE NUMBER YOU ARE TOLD TO BY YOURSELF *** [Your score has just gone up by 30.] >wait 60 Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >y Do you want to continue waiting? >n >Ask about time travel >Wear cloak [Your score has just gone up by 75, giving you a total of 1000 out of 1000 points.] WRITTEN BY MACHNESS@HORAAH.JCT.AC.IL http://sparc.jct.ac.il/~machnavi/html/avi.html